Computers, Laptops, Ultrabooks, Desktops, Apple Macs, Mini Macs, ProBooks, iPad, Tablets, Smartphones, Servers, the Internet, VOIP, Cloud-computing…
The options are almost endless. A good strategy will empower your business allowing you and your team to be more productive while ensuring that your data is easily available, where and when needed, yet is secure from the outside world.
A poorly thought out strategy will be detrimental to your business sometime in the future.
When you deal with Enyuka, our ICT Professionals will consult with you to ensure a cost effective, well planned strategy to maximise the return on your ICT Spend.
Together we will answer and plan the following:
- What technology are we using now, and how can this be better used?
- Where is your business going, what is the strategy for the next 3 – 5 years?
- How secure is your data (both within your company and from outside threats)?
- How scalable is your ICT Infrastructure?
- What new technologies are in the market and how can the benefit you?
- What is your data Backup Strategy?
- What is your Disaster Recovery Strategy?
- How to market your business on the Internet?
- Legal Compliance (especially in certain industries).
- Software Compliance (a strategy to becoming fully legal).
- What Software could make your business more productive / profitable?